Legislative Decree no. 30 of 6 February 2007 implemented in Italy the right to free movement and residence of European Union citizens and their family members by implementing Community Directive 2004/38/EC. European citizens therefore have the right to stay in Italy for a maximum period of three months without having to meet specific requirements, provided they have a valid identity document for expatriation (art. 6 Legislative Decree 30/2007).
If a citizen of an EU member state wishes to reside in Italy for more than three months, he or she is required to request registration in the Registry Office of residents at the Italian municipality where he or she intends to reside. Once residency has been obtained, the Municipality will be able to issue the certificate of registration in the registry office, which certifies that the European citizen has fulfilled the obligation to register in the Registry Office and constitutes a residence permit and certificate of regularity for those who work, study or have sufficient economic means to support themselves in Italy.
The document is personal in nature, although it can be requested for some family members, including:
- spouse
- direct children under the age of 21 or dependents, as well as those of the spouse
- direct dependent parents and those of the spouse
The certificate of registration in the registry office and regular residence has an indefinite duration and serves to certify that on the date of issue the EU citizen was in possession of the requirements for residence in Italy. Any EU citizen who has resided legally and continuously in Italy for at least five years has the right to request the certificate of permanent residence.
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The content of this article is intended to provide general guidance on the subject. For questions or particular cases you should seek specialized advice according to your specific situation