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Live and work in Italy

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions on living and working in Italy

Live and work in Italy


Check out the most common Italian words and definitions that a foreigner who moves to Italy must know!


Register of the Population: the register of the population residing in a specific Municipality in Italy

"Carta d'identità"

Identity Card: the identification document issued by Italian Municipalities to people residing in their territory

"Carta di soggiorno per familiare di cittadino italiano/UE"

Residence card for family members of EU/Italian citizens: the residence permit issued according to Legislative Decree 30/2007 to non-EU family members of Italian or EU citizens already residing in Italy

"Certificato di idoneità alloggiativa"

Housing suitability certificate: the certificate issued by the Italian Municipality to certify that an accommodation (house/apartment) is suitable to live in and is in compliance with the applicable housing laws and legislations

"Codice fiscale"

Fiscal code: the identification number assigned by the Italian Tax Agency, which is necessary,

"Contratto di soggiorno"

Contract of stay: the document that non-EU nationals who have obtained an authorization (nulla osta) and visa for work (particular cases or subordinate) or family reunification must sign at the competent "Sportello Unico per l'Immigrazione" to be able to file the residence permit application


The certification issued by Italian employers to their employees confirming the payment of tax and social security contributions in a given year according to Italian law

"Dichiarazione di ospitalità"

Declaration of hospitality: the declaration to be filed by the person hosting a non-EU national within 48 hours from the arrival of the person at the local Police office stating the duration of the stay at the host's accommodation

"Dichiarazione di presenza"

Declaration of presence: the declaration to be filed by non-EU nationals entering Italy as tourists/business travelers from another Schengen State within 8 days from their arrival at the local Police office to declare their presence and duration of stay


Fingerprinting: the appointment at the Police station during which non-EU nationals have their fingerprints taken when applying for a residence permit

"Kit postale"

Postal kit: the documentation to request the issuance of a residence permit to be submitted at the local Post office through the "Sportello Amico" service

"INPS" and "INAIL"

The National Institute for Social Security and the National Institution for Insurance against accidents on the workplace

"Nulla osta"

The authorization to work or for family reunification issued by the "Sportello Unico per l'Immigrazione" upon request and that allows non-EU nationals to apply for a national long-term visa for work or family reunification at the Italian Embassy or Consulate in the foreign country of residence

"Permesso di soggiorno"

The authorization to work or for family reunification issued by the "Sportello Unico per l'Immigrazione" upon request and that allows non-EU nationals to apply for a national long-term visa for work or family reunification at the Italian Embassy or Consulate in the foreign country of residence


Police office: the local office of the Italian Police


Residence: the registration with the "Anagrafe" of the population of the Municipality in which a person lives

"Sportello Unico per l'Immigrazione (SUI)"

Single Desk for Immigration: the internal office of local Prefectures that has competence for the issuance of nulla osta for work and family reunification and for the execution of contract of stay and integration agreements

"Tessera Sanitaria"

Health card: the document issued upon registration with the "Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN)" and registration with the "Anagrafe" to access health care in Italy

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