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The Your Way to Italy blog is a collection of articles and publications to keep up to date with the latest regulatory, case law and current events in immigration law and Italian citizenship, all just a click away.

Visas and residence permits
Tax, legal and more
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Visas and residence permits
Family unity: visa for accompanying family members and exceptions for family reunification
News and clarifications regarding family reunification of foreigners in Italy: the conditions for family reunification have been made more restrictive but some exceptions still apply.
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Visas and residence permits
Traveling to the Schengen Area: entry requirements for third-country nationals
In this article you will find details on how to enter the Schengen Area.
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Changes to the judicial costs for disputes regarding Italian citizenship
The article discusses the changes included in Italy's 2025 budget bill, increasing the judicial costs for judicial applications for Italian citizenship jure sanguinis to €600, even for joint cases.
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Permesso di Soggiorno per attesa cittadinanza: everything you need to know
People who are waiting for the completion of the process of obtaining Italian citizenship by descent can opt for this type of permit. Find out the details in the following article.
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Visas and residence permits
Visa for Religious Reasons in Italy: A Complete Guide
The visa for religious reasons allows its holder to enter Italy to carry out a series of religious activities. Find out the details.
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What happens once the application for Italian citizenship has been submitted, either at the consulate, the Municipality, or before a Court in Italy, and it is officially granted?
Through this article you will find out what are the next steps after obtaining Italian citizenship as well as its advantages, rights and duties.
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Civil Justice App – a useful tool for cases of obtaining Italian citizenship through judicial channels
"Giustizia Civile App", the app developed by the Italian government that seeks to streamline and digitalize access to the Italian judicial system and its relationship with citizenship applications
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Visas and residence permits
Residence permit ex art. 27 lett. i-bis Legislative Decree 286/98
The residence permit regulated by article 27, letter i-bis, of Legislative Decree 286/98 is specifically designed for foreign workers who meet certain prerequisites and need to move to Italy for the purpose of working in the Italian headquarters of companies or corporations linked to Italy.
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How to request information and updates on the status of Italian citizenship procedures
This article shows you the communication channels available to request information or find out the status of the Italian citizenship process.
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