A passport is issued to Italian citizens of legal age with a duration of 10 years, after which a new document must be applied for.
How and where does one apply for its issuance?
Those who intend to apply for the issuance of a passport in Italy must book an appointment by accessing https://passaportonline.poliziadistato.it/ at the Passport Office of the Questura of their residence, abode or domicile.
In the case of an application to be submitted abroad, the competence lies with the Italian diplomatic and consular representations.
In case there are urgent reasons due to work, health, study, tourism, etc., which are adequately and documentally justified, Police offices make available emergency procedures for submitting requests.
What documents must be submitted?
Those applying for an Italian passport must fill out an application form, which must be accompanied by:
At the same time as submitting the application and supporting documentation, the Passport Office will also acquire the applicant's fingerprints for the purpose of processing the document.
Applying for a passport for minors
As of 2016, following a legislative change, the consent of the other parent is no longer required for the issuance of a passport in favor of one parent of a minor child, while the passport may not be issued if an injunction inhibiting parental authority has been issued against the applicant by the judicial authority.
The consent of both parents, however, remains necessary for the issuance of a passport to a minor child.
Your Way to Italy: our assistance
Our team is available to provide support and assistance throughout the process! Contact us to book your first consultation with us and to start the process of applying for an Italian passport! #YourWaytoItaly
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances
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