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Italian provisional permit or temporary permit: a guide

Provisional permit: how to get it

Requirements and procedure for the so-called provisional permit.

The Italian provisional permit, known as “permesso di soggiorno provvisorio” is a key tool for foreigners who are waiting for the renewal of their residence permit in Italy. This document allows legal travel within Schengen Area countries while the application for the regular residence permit is being processed.

Purpose of the provisional permit

The main goal of this permit is to bridge the gap between the expiration of a long-term visa or previous residence permit and the issuance of a new residence permit. This permit is especially important for those with urgent travel needs, provided they have appropriate documentation justifying such needs.

Application process

To obtain the provisional permit, applicants must appear in person at the police office and provide sufficient evidence to justify their need to travel. This may include work documents requiring travel or medical letters needing treatments in other Schengen countries, along with receipts for the pending residence permit application.

Rights and duration

The rights and conditions of this permit are similar to those of the regular residence permit being processed. Generally, the provisional permit is valid for a limited period, typically a few months.

Your Way to Italy: our assistance

Our team is available to provide support and assistance with provisional permit applications, contact us! #YourWaytoItaly

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances