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Minimum Wage and Work Permit in Italy

Minimum Wage and Work Permit in Italy

Minimum Wage and Work Permit in Italy

When applying for or processing a work permit in Italy, it is essential to consider the minimum wage, as it is one of the key requirements for obtaining the work permit and complying with labor/migration regulations. Additionally, the acceptable minimum wage will vary based on several technical aspects such as the job category and the sector of the company where the work will be performed. However, it is important to note that the minimum acceptable wage for a foreign worker should be equivalent to that which would be applied to an Italian worker in the same situation.

Unlike other European Union countries, Italy does not have a universal minimum wage established by law for all workers in a specific sector. Instead, the "National Collective Labor Agreement" (CCNL, Contratto Collettivo Nazionale di Lavoro) is used to determine the applicable minimum wage according to the industry, job category, and other factors.

The CCNLs are legally binding only for employers affiliated with the corresponding unions. Nevertheless, all employers, whether affiliated or not, must ensure that their employees receive a fair and proportionate wage based on the quality and quantity of their work (Italian Constitution, Article 36). Therefore, to comply with the principle of fair pay, wages must be aligned with the provisions of the CCNL for the relevant sector.

CCNLs establish the basic minimum wage for each sector, and in case of disputes, the courts use these agreements as a reference for their rulings. Regarding social security, Italian law states that if there are different agreements within the same industry, the minimum wage used for contributions cannot be lower than that agreed upon by the major unions.

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The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances