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Practical guide on visas and residence permits – “Permesso di Soggiorno”

Types of "Permesso di soggiorno"

If you plan to reside in Italy for a longer period than that granted as a tourist, then you should know the various visas as well as the different “Permesso di Soggiorno”

If you are thinking of residing in Italy for a longer period than the tourist period (90 days), then you will need to find out about the different visas, as well as the different “Permesso di Soggiorno”.

The Permesso di Soggiorno is essential for living in Italy beyond the period of a tourist visa, which is usually up to 90 days. Below, we offer you a step-by-step guide to help you complete the paperwork and obtain your residence permit.

Under what circumstances can a residence permit be requested?

There are several types of Permesso di Soggiorno, each created to address various migratory hypotheses such as work, study, family reunification, humanitarian reasons, among others.

This permit allows the holder to carry out legal activities in Italy, such as working or studying, according to the conditions that justified its issuance.

The permit can be requested, in most cases, after having obtained a national visa at the Italian Consulate in the country of residence.

Visas and permits can be requested in several cases, the most common ones are detailed below:

- Self-employment: this is requested when you are going to work on your own account in Italy

- Seasonal subordinate work: for seasonal jobs

- Non-seasonal subordinate work: for jobs that are not seasonal

- Residence permit for family reasons: for example, family reunification

- For studies or vocational training: if you are going to study or do vocational training in Italy

- Elective residence: if you have sufficient financial resources and wish to live in Italy without working

- Investor: if you want to invest in Italy

Requirements to apply for a visa and Permesso di Soggiorno

Here we summarize the main requirements and documents for each of the cases mentioned:

Self-employment: Nulla Osta (police authorization to work), rental contract or proof of suitable accommodation

Non-Seasonal Subordinate Work: Nulla Osta (from the Ministry of the Interior), fixed-term or indefinite employment contract and proof of suitable accommodation

Family reasons: passport of the spouse legally resident in Italy, certificate proving family ties (e.g. marriage or birth) and proof of suitable accommodation

Studies or Vocational Training: copy of the pre-registration for the course, insurance against the risk of illness and accidents, proof of necessary financial resources and proof of adequate accommodation

Elective Residence: proof of stable and passive financial resources, insurance against the risk of illness and accidents and proof of adequate accommodation

Investor: Nulla Osta (issued by the Comitato Investitori), proof of financial resources to make the investment in Italy, criminal record certificate and proof of accommodation

What is the “Sportello Amico” from Poste Italiane and what does it have to do with the residence permit?

Sportello Amico by Poste Italiane consists of a network of post offices spread across the entire Italian territory. This network is designed to simplify the interaction between citizens and the Public Administration.

Once you have obtained a national visa, within 8 days of your arrival in Italy you will have to apply for the Permesso di Soggiorno through the post offices that are part of the Sportello Amico network (except in specific cases such as, for example, the investor permit which is requested directly at the police headquarters) and which are easily recognizable by the icon of a stylized smile next to the text “Sportello Amico”.

Your Way to Italy: our assistance

Our team is available to provide you with support and assistance in obtaining national visas and residence permits! #Yourwaytoitaly

The content of this article is intended to provide general guidance on the subject. For specific questions or particular cases you should seek specialized advice on your specific situation.