Those who have consistent economic resources and intend to invest in Italy have the option of applying for a visa and residence permit under Article 26bis of Legislative Decree 286/98 for investors.
Who can apply for it?
To apply for an investor visa and residence permit, the applicant must be willing to make an investment in one of the following 4 ways:
i. purchase at least 2 million euros in Italian government bonds-funds to be held for a period of at least 2 years
ii. invest at least €500,000 in equity instruments of a company based and operating in Italy
iii. invest at least €250,000 in the case of an innovative start-up company
iv. donate at least €1 million in philanthropic funds to support projects of public interest in the field of culture, education, immigration, scientific research, and the recovery of cultural and landscape assets
The investor must be able to demonstrate the availability and lawful origin of the resources to be used to finalize the investment and the transferability of the same in Italy to banking institutions domiciled in Italy.
The procedure in a nutshell
Here is the process to be followed to obtain an investor visa and residence permit:
1. apply for the issuance of an authorization (nulla osta) from the Investor Visa Committee, through the online procedure on the dedicated portal (
2. apply for the issuance of an entry visa at the Italian Consulate competent for the place of residence
3. enter Italy and within 8 days request an appointment at the Police office to apply for the issuance of the residence permit and attend the fingerprinting appointment
4. collect the residence permit once ready from the Police office
5. within 3 months of entering Italy finalize the investment and give proof of it to the Investor Visa Committee by uploading the relevant documentation on the dedicated portal
Benefits of obtaining an investor visa and residence permit
The holder of an investor visa and permit is not required to stay in Italy for a minimum period of time, being able to stay even one day per year and still being able to renew the permit as long as the investment made is maintained in full.
The permit once issued will last two years and can be renewed, as long as the initial investment is maintained intact, for additional periods of 3 years. After 5 years from entry into Italy and proving residency, the holder will have the right to apply for an EU long-term residence permit.
Family members of holders of an investor visa and permit are entitled to family reunification.
Your Way to Italy: our assistance
Our team is available to provide support and assistance throughout the process! Contact us to book your first consultation with us and to start the process to obtain an investor visa and residence permit! #YourWaytoItaly
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances
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