Italy has set up the "Startup Visa" program to attract entrepreneurs who intend to establish or participate in an innovative startup (i.e., a company that meets the conditions set forth in Law 221/2012) in Italy. The program aims to reinforce the already thriving Italian startup scene with ideas and talent from abroad by making it easier for non-EU founders to obtain a visa and permit.
The visa and permit for startups is subject to the numerical limitations of the "flow decree".
Who can apply for it?
It can be accessed by those foreigners who demonstrate the availability of at least 50,000 Euros to be used for the purpose of establishing an innovative startup-that is, a corporation that meets the requirements of Law 221/2012 and is therefore registered in the special section of the Companies Registry-which presents a detailed business plan pertaining to an innovative project that must have a strong character of technological innovation.
If, on the other hand, the applicant intends to invest in an innovative startup already established and operating in Italy, he/she can apply for the visa by demonstrating a willingness to invest an amount of at least 100,000 euros and to hold an office within the administrative body of the company by serving as a self-employed.
The procedure in a nutshell
The program guarantees a streamlined procedure that starts with the submission of an online application for work authorization (nulla osta) and the subsequent issuance of a self-employment visa and, once in Italy, a residence permit, all under an expedited procedure.
The nulla osta must be issued by the Startup Visa Committee of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy (MIMIT), an independent authority that evaluates applications from foreign nationals based on the supporting documentation submitted. Nulla osta’s applications are sent by e-mail to
Once the entrepreneur has entered Italy on a self-employment visa, he or she must put his or her business plan in place and in parallel, within 8 days of entry, apply for a residence permit.
It is useful to know that applications can be submitted personally by applicants or through a certified incubator operating in Italy.
Benefits of obtaining a Startup Visa
Startup visa and permit holders can, by demonstrating presence in Italy for at least 5 years, residency and a reasonable income, apply for an EU long-term resident permit and, upon reaching 10 years of residence in Italy, proceed to apply for Italian citizenship by residence.
Family members of holders of a Startup visa and permit lasting at least 1 year are eligible for family reunification.
Your Way to Italy: our assistance
Our team is available to provide support and assistance throughout the process! Contact us to book your first consultation with us and to start the process to apply for a Startup visa! #YourWaytoItaly
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances
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