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Visas and permits

Digital Nomads and other work permits

Additional and different options for digital nomads and work visas and permits outside the "decreto flussi" exist - let's find them out!

Digital nomad visa
Remote work

On March 28, 2022, the Italian Government introduced a new category of visa, residence and work permit under art. 27 lett. r-bis L.D. 286/98: the digital nomad and remote workers visa and residence permit-

Digital nomads are defined as highly specialized workers who work remotely from Italy for foreign companies as employees or free-lancers.

This type of visa, which is out of the quota mechanism and therefore not subject to any numerical limitation, shall be applied for at the Italian Embassy or Consulate in the foreign country of residence of the worker provided that the worker can demonstrate their condition of worker, the availability of an accommodation in Italy, the possession of an insurance policy and the undertake of complying with social security contribution and tax obligations in Italy.

Once the worker enters Italy with the visa, within 8 days from their entrance, they shall apply for the residence permit which will be issued with a 1-year duration (as the visa).

As of April 4, 2024, with the approval of the implementation decree, it is possible to apply for a visa and residence permit for digital nomads and remote workers!

Contact us to receive more information about the digital nomad visa and residence permit or to evaluate different options to get a work visa and residence permit for Italy!

Other types of work visas and permits

Outside the quota mechanism of the "decreto flussi" and on top of ICTs, EU Blue Cards and self-employment visas and permits, Italian law provides for additional categories of visas and permits which can be requested anytime and are not subject to any numerical limitation. Art. 27 L.D. 286/98 provides for many different options:

- university professors and faculty
- translator and interpreters
- domestic workers with a work contract in place abroad with Italian or EU citizens
- maritime workers
- workers employed abroad by Italian companies or entities participated by Italian companies
- personnel of circuses and travelling shows
- dancers, artists and musicians
- athletes
- journalists
- professional nurses

For all these categories of workers Italian immigration law provides for specific procedures to obtain work authorizations (nulla osta), visas and residence permits for Italy.
Contact us to learn the requirements to obtain them and for a complete assistance to apply for them!

Our team provides a comprehensive assistance in each phase of the process:

- general consultation
- assistance with the preparation of the supporting documents
- submission of the work authorization applications to the competent authorities
- instructions for the visa stamping process at the Italian Embassies and Consulates abroad
- accompaniment and assistance with the submission of the residence permit application once in Italy

Lavoro Distacco Abstract
Visas and permits
ICT, EU ICT and other secondments

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Lavoro Carta Blu Abstract
Visas and permits
EU Blue Card for highly specialized workers

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