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Apostille: what it is and how it works

An Apostille is a seal issued by government authorities of a country that is a signatory to the Convention, which certifies the authenticity of a public official's signature.

Once apostilled, the public document to be used abroad will no longer need to be legalized by the Embassy or Consulate

The Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 abolished the procedure for legalising documents intended for use abroad, replacing it with the so-called Apostille.

The Apostille is essentially a seal placed by the Government authorities of a signatory country of the Convention that recognizes the identity and veracity of the signature made by the public official who signed a public document of the respective State.

Once apostilled, the public document to be used abroad will no longer need to be legalized by the Embassy or Consulate.

In the case of Italy, in order for a public document issued in Italy to be apostilled for use abroad in one of the signatory countries of the Convention, it will be necessary that it be first signed by a public official whose signature must be deposited at a government office and, consequently, presented to the Prefecture or the Prosecutor's Office territorially competent according to the place of issue of the document for the affixing of the Apostille.

In Italy, the documents that must be apostilled at the Prefecture are those issued by municipalities, public universities, chambers of commerce and ministries (e.g. degrees, chamber of commerce certificates, residence certificates, etc.), while the Public Prosecutor of the court of the place of issue of the document is responsible for the Apostille of documents issued by the Courts such as criminal record certificates, documents authenticated by a Notary and translations sworn by the Courts.

The countries that have adhered to the Convention are those indicated in the following link https://www.hcch.net/en/instruments/conventions/status-table/?cid=41 .


Your Way to Italy: our assistance

Our team is available to provide you with support and assistance in obtaining apostilled documents. Contact us! #YourWaytoItaly.


The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide on the subject. It is necessary to request specific assistance according to your own situation.