Among the visas and residence permits available outside the "flow decree" system is the so-called EU ICT – intra-company transfer governed by Art. 27 quinquies of Legislative Decree 286/98, which allows the transfer of a worker from a foreign company to an Italian company belonging to the same group.
Who can apply for it?
This type of visa and permit is accessible by managers, skilled workers and trainees who are to be temporarily posted from a company established outside the EU - where the worker has been employed for at least 3 months prior to the transfer - to an Italian company belonging to the same group.
The transfer can be for a maximum of 3 years (1 year for trainees). At the end of the secondment, the worker must return to their country of origin.
The procedure in a nutshell
What to do to obtain an EU ICT and work in Italy:
1. apply online for a work authorization (nulla osta), on behalf of the Italian host company at the relevant Single Desk for Immigration (“Sportello Unico per l'Immigrazione” (SUI))
2. once the nulla osta has been obtained, apply for a long-term work visa at the Italian Consulate or Embassy competent on the basis of the worker's place of residence
3. enter Italy and within 8 days request an appointment at the SUI to sign the contract of stay and integration agreement
4. apply for a residence permit and undergo the fingerprinting procedure at the Police Headquarters (“Questura”)
5. pick up the residence permit at the Questura when ready
Benefits of obtaining an EU ICT
Holders of an EU ICT visa and residence permit can move within the EU to work in other EU Member States for companies belonging to the same group: in case of temporary stays of maximum of 90 days per 180 days, they will not need to apply for a work authorization or residence permit in the other EU Member State, while in the case of a long-term relocation, the host company will need to apply in the other EU Member State for a work authorization through a simplified procedure.
Family members of EU ICT visa and residence permit holders, regardless of the duration of the latter, are entitled to family reunification.
Your Way to Italy: our assistance
Our team is available to provide support and assistance throughout the process! Contact us to book your first consultation with us and to start the process to obtain an EU ICT! #YourWaytoItaly
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances
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