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Updates with the Approval of the New Decreto Flussi

Updates with the Approval of the New Decreto Flussi

On October 2nd of this year, the Council of Ministers approved a decree entitled "Disposizioni urgenti in materia di ingresso in Italia di lavoratori stranieri, di tutela e assistenza alle vittime di caporalato, di gestione dei flussi migratori e di protezione internazionale, nonché dei relativi procedimenti giurisdizionali”.

In the statement published by Palazzo Chigi, it was noted that "the decree, in its first part, aims to complement the regulations—already defined by the DPCM of September 2023—on entry into Italy for work purposes for the 2023-2025 triennium. This comes after identifying deficiencies in the implementation of entry processes.

Let’s review the main updates:

1. Pre-filling labor authorization applications before "click day," extending the time available for checks and allowing the regularization or rejection of invalid applications

2. Although quotas will remain in place, additional "click days" will be held throughout the year for specific sectors

3. Requiring employers to confirm their interest in hiring before the entry visa is issued to the foreign worker

4. Imposing the obligation on employers to select a digital domicile and digitize the entire procedure, including the signing and sending of the residence contract, thus eliminating the need for the employer and worker to appear at the immigration office

5. Restricting system access for three years for employers who do not formalize the work contract after the foreigner’s arrival or employ workers without a contract

6. Limiting the number of applications employers can submit based on their revenue, number of employees, and sector

7. Allowing temporary workers to sign a new contract with the same or another employer within 60 days of the previous contract’s expiration, during the validity period of the work permit

8. Enabling the conversion, outside of the established quotas, of temporary work permits into fixed-term or permanent work permits

9. Introducing in 2025 an experimental entry channel for the assistance of elderly and disabled individuals, limited to 10,000 positions, managed by employment agencies, organizations that sign collective agreements in the domestic sector, and legal-economic professionals, without the possibility of applying silent consent in evaluating these applications

10. Eliminating silent consent in the evaluation phase of applications for workers from countries considered at risk (applicable in 2025 to Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka)

Chapter II of the decree introduces a special residence permit for victims of labor exploitation, as defined in the new Article 18-ter of the Unified Immigration Act (Testo Unico dell’Immigrazione), extending to these individuals the single program for regularization, assistance, and social integration.

This residence permit, granted to foreign workers who are victims of labor exploitation, can be converted into a work permit outside the established quotas or into a study permit if the foreigner is enrolled in an official course.

Your Way to Italy: our assistance

Our team is available to provide support and assistance with work authorization applications under the Decreto Flussi! Contact us to book your first consultation with us! #YourWaytoItaly

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances